B. Rudnyi

The site contains my public archives. This page serves as an index.
Picture above is made by Juri Didenko
My e-mail:
Private evgenii at rudnyi point ru.
I understand Russian, English, and German.
Due to differences between Cyrillic and Latin alphabets, my name can be
also spelled as Evgeny Rudny, in Russian Евгений Рудный.
My sites:
My blogs and communities (in Russian)
- 1989: The "Leninskii komsomol" award in the area of science and
technology for experimental works in high temperature mass spectrometry.
This used to be a prestigious Soviet award for young scientists. Announcement in
- 1995: "Soros Associated Professor". An award of International Soros
Science Education Program in recognition and appreciation of outstanding
contributions to science education at the university level.
- 1997: Award of International academic publishing company "Nauka" for
the best publication in journals of this company.
- 2005: Paper "Dynamic electro-thermal simulation of microsystems:a
review" is included in the best 24 papers of Journal of Micromechanics
and Microengineering for 2005.
- Oxygen-containing Negative Ions in High
Temperature Vapors: Publications,
Software, Award.
- Influence of Negative Ions on Electron Concentration in Air Plasma: Publications, Software, Award.
- Statistical Treatment of Experimental Results: Publications, Software eqconst, kcl, varcomp, and tdlib.
- Phase Diagram of Y-Ba-Cu-O: Assessment of Phase Diagrams (CALPHAD): Publications, Software bacuy, varcomp, and tdlib, Teaching.
- Security of Windows NT Networks: Teaching, Publications, Software.
- Micropyros: Microthrusthers for Nanosatellites: Software.
- Compact Models for MEMS by Means of Model Order Reduction: Publications, Software, Teaching.