Evgenii B. Rudnyi

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История и философия науки


Е. Б. Рудный.
Теория виртуального мира, 2023.
Нейрофизиология и сознание. История теории виртуального мира. Где находятся восприятия. Что говорит наука.
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Е. Б. Рудный.
Бруно Маршаль: Метафизика вычислений, 2023.
Описание идей логика Бруно Маршаля. Он доказывает, что вычислительная теория сознания отвергает материализм и приводит к нейтральному монизму - существуют только вычисления.
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Е. Б. Рудный.
Неумолимые законы физики, 2023.
История появления законов физики. Физики о законах физики. Физики о проблеме тонкой настройки вселенной. Физики о коэволюции законов физики и вселенной.
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Е. Б. Рудный.
Цифровая физика, 2023.
Обзор идей, лежащих в основе цифровой физики. Вычисления, связанные со вселенной, ограничиваются таковыми в рамках машины Тьюринга. Ландауэр, Фейнман, Цузе, Фредкин, Вольфрам.
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Е. Б. Рудный.
Мысли о математике, 2024.
Подход Успенского и чистая математика. История математики: возникновение чистой математики. Математические структуры в чистой математике. Математическое доказательство и интуиция. Математика и мир.
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Е. Б. Рудный.
Физики о математике, 2024.
Подборка высказываний физиков о математике. Фейнман, Смолин, Хоссенфельдер, Грин, Вайнберг, Кэрролл, Дойч, Попов, Вонсовский, Гейзенберг, Эйнштейн, Тегмарк, российские физики о метафизике.
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Е. Б. Рудный.
Проблема координации. Температура как физическая величина, 2024.
Математика, физика и измерение. Измерение температуры в настоящее время. История термометрии. Проблемы выбора рабочего вещества для термометра. Температура, теплота и термодинамическая шкала.
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Е. Б. Рудный.
История классической термодинамики, 2023-2024.
Температура, термометр и практическая температурная шкала. Уравнение состояние идеального газа. Теплота и калориметрия. Хасок Чанг: Изобретение температуры. От паровой машины Ньюкомена к модели идеальной тепловой машины. От теории теплорода к термодинамике. Анри Пуанкаре: Термодинамика. Неравенство Клаузиуса, второй закон и стрела времени. Клиффорд Трусделл и классическая термодинамика. От неравенства Клаузиуса к обобщенной неравновесной термодинамике. Релятивистская температура: Диссонанс Отта-Планка.
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Е. Б. Рудный.
Заметки по классической термодинамике, 2023-2024.
Термическое уравнение состояния и термические коэффициенты. Обратимые процессы в классической термодинамике. Неравенства в классической термодинамике. Законы термодинамики. Простейший пример тепловой смерти. Замерзание переохлажденной воды. Глобальное и локальное тепловое равновесие в классической термодинамике. П. Эткинс: Порядок и беспорядок в природе. Энтальпия и энергия Гиббса: математика и физика. Парадокс Гиббса в классической термодинамике. Обратимый процесс теплообмена между двумя брусками с разными температурами. Низкоэнтропийная энергия Солнца и жизнь.
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Е. Б. Рудный.
История статистической термодинамики, 2023-2024.
Эволюция взглядов Людвига Больцмана на характер молекулярно-кинетической теории. Стрела времени по Больцману. Рудольф Карнап: Два эссе об энтропии. И. Р. Пригожин: Конец определенности. Теорема о равномерном распределении энергии против атомизма 19-ого века. Демон Максвелла и броуновское движение против второго закона. Теодор Сведберг и существование молекул. Признание реальности молекул в начале 20-ого века. Излучение черного тела и появление неразличимых частиц. Леон Бриллюэн: Наука и теория информации. История появления информационной физики.
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Е. Б. Рудный.
Законы физики и биология, 2023.
Сводится ли биология к физике? Возможные варианты ответа: Физикализм. Компатибилизм. Неовитализм.
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Е. Б. Рудный.
Случайность в биологии, 2023.
Естественный отбор в детерминированной Вселенной. Жак Моно против термодинамиков-анимистов. Мысленный эксперимент Стивена Гулда и конвергентная эволюция. Случай как чудо.
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Е. Б. Рудный.
Естественный отбор как объяснение?, 2020.
Сравнение теории естественного отбора с теориями физики. Невозможность количественного объяснения. Точки зрения на сводимость естественного отбора к физике: физикализм, компатибилизм, нео-витализм.
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Е. Б. Рудный.
Естественный отбор как качественное объяснение?, 2020.
Обзор про теорию естественного отбора на уровне качественного объяснения. Адаптационизм. Статья Гулда и Левонтина. Аргумент Фодора против естественного отбора как каузального объяснения.
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Е. Б. Рудный.
Естественный отбор и научное объяснение, 2022.
Дедуктивно-номологическая модель объяснения. Новые механицисты. Взгляды Эрнста Майра. Проблематичность трактовки естественного отбора как механизма и как причины. Уровни отбора.
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Compact Models for MEMS by Means of Model Order Reduction

See full list of publications for this project at mor4ansys site.

E. B. Rudnyi, J. G. Korvink.
Review: Automatic Model Reduction for Transient Simulation of MEMS-based Devices.
Sensors Update v. 11, p. 3-33, 2002.
Preprint, final paper at Wiley.

T. Bechtold, E. B. Rudnyi and J. G. Korvink.
Automatic Generation of Compact Electro-Thermal Models for Semiconductor Devices.
IEICE Transactions on Electronics, 2003, v. E86C, N 3, pp. 459 - 465.

J. G. Korvink, E. B. Rudnyi, A. Greiner, and Z. Liu.
MEMS and NEMS Simulation.
In MEMS: A Practical Guide to Design, Analysis, and Applications, ed. Jan G. Korvink, Oliver Paul, William Andrew Publishing, Norwich, NY, 2005, pp. 93-186. ISBN: 0815514972.
Book at Amazon.

J. Lienemann, E. B. Rudnyi and J. G. Korvink.
MST MEMS model order reduction: Requirements and Benchmarks.
Linear Algebra and its Applications, v. 415, N 2-3, p. 469-498, 2006.
Final Paper at ScienceDirect.

E. B. Rudnyi and J. G. Korvink.
Model Order Reduction for Large Scale Engineering Models Developed in ANSYS.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 3732, pp. 349-356, 2006.
Title: Applied Parallel Computing. State of the Art in Scientific Computing: 7th International Conference, PARA 2004, Lyngby, Denmark, June 20-23, 2004. Revised Selected Papers.
Final paper at Springer.

T. Bechtold, E. B. Rudnyi and J. G. Korvink,
Error indicators for fully automatic extraction of heat-transfer macromodels for MEMS.
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2005, v. 15, N 3, pp. 430-440.
Preprint, final paper at IOP.

L. H. Feng, E. B. Rudnyi, J. G. Korvink.
Preserving the film coefficient as a parameter in the compact thermal model for fast electro-thermal simulation.
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, December, 2005, v. 24, N 12, p. 1838-1847.
Final paper at IEEE.

J. G. Korvink, E. B. Rudnyi.
Oberwolfach Benchmark Collection.
In: Benner, P., Mehrmann, V., Sorensen, D. (eds) Dimension Reduction of Large-Scale Systems, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering (LNCSE). Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, v. 45, p. 311-315, 2005.

L. Feng, D. Koziol, E. B. Rudnyi, and J. G. Korvink.
Parametric Model Reduction for Fast Simulation of Cyclic Voltammograms .
Sensors Letters, v. 4, N 2, p. 165-173, 2006.
Paper at IngentaConnect.

E. B. Rudnyi.
Engineering Computing: Mixing Knowledge Transfer, Programming, and Numerics. 2009.


Phase Diagram of Y-Ba-Cu-O: Assessment of Phase Diagrams (CALPHAD)


General and Computational Aspects

E. B. Rudnyi, G. F. Voronin.
Classes and objects of chemical thermodynamics in object oriented programming. 1. A class of analytical functions of temperature and pressure.
CALPHAD. 1995, v. 19, N 2, p. 189-206.
Paper at ScienceDirect. See also the two next papers.

E.B. Rudnyi.
Classes and Objects of Chemical Thermodynamics in Object-Oriented Programming. 2. A Class of Chemical Species.
Presented at Second Electronic Computational Chemistry Conference, November 1995.
Paper (includes software).

E. B. Rudnyi.
Computational Thermodynamics Library, TDLIB'00, 2000.
Documentation, Code.

E. B. Rudnyi, V. V. Kuzmenko, G.F. Voronin.
Inverse Problem in Materials Science.
Molecular Simulation, 2000, v. 24, N 1-3, p. 191-196.
Preprint, Software.


Ba-Cu-Y System

E. B. Rudnyi.
Thermodynamic assessment of the Ba-Cu system.
Zh. Fiz. Khim. 1996, v. 70, N 6, p. 986-990 (in Russian). Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (English transl.), 1996, v. 70, N 6, p. 913-917.
or reprint in Russian, data and code in varcomp and in tdlib.

E. B. Rudnyi.
Thermodynamic assessment of the Cu-Y system.
Zh. Fiz. Khim. 1996, v. 70, N 6, p. 1007-1011 (in Russian). Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (English transl.), 1996, v. 70, N 6.
Preprint or reprint in Russian, data and code in varcomp.

E. B. Rudnyi, G. F. Voronin.
Thermodynamic assessment of the ternary Ba-Cu-Y system. Direct optimization of the miscibility gap.
CALPHAD, 1996, v. 20, N 3, p. 297-305.
, final paper at ScienceDirect, software bacuy_eq, varcomp.

E. B. Rudnyi.
Statistical model of systematic errors: An assessment of the Ba-Cu and Cu-Y phase diagram.
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 1997, v. 36, p. 213-227.
, final paper at ScienceDirect, data and code in varcomp, for Ba-Cu also in tdlib.



E. B. Rudnyi, V. V. Kuzmenko, G. V. Voronin.
Simultaneous assessment of the YBa2Cu3O6+z thermodynamics under the linear error model.
J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 1998, v. 27, N 5, p. 855-888.
, final paper at NIST, data and code in varcomp.

V. V. Kuz'menko, E. B. Rudnyi, G. V. Voronin.
The influence of pressure on the thermodynamic properties of the YBa2Cu3O6+z solid solution.
Zh. Fiz. Khim. 2000, v. 74, N 2, p. 227-231 (in Russian). Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (English transl.), 2000, v. 74, N 2, p. 168-172. Preprint or reprint in Russian.

Thermodynamic characterization of high-temperature superconductors in the yttrium-barium-copper-oxygen system. The Y123 solid solution (Technical Report).
Pure Appl. Chem., 2000, v. 72, N. 3, pp. 463-477.
Paper at IUPAC.

V. A. Lysenko, V. V. Kuz'menko, I. A. Uspenskaya, E. B. Rudnyi, G. F. Voronin.
Equilibria of supercoducting phases with melts in the Y-Ba-Cu-O system,
Rossiiskii Khimicheskii Zhurnal, 2001, v. 45, N 3, p. 86-91 (in Russian).
in Russian.

V.V. Kuz'menko.
Assessment of thermodynamic properties and calculation of some equilibria in the Y-Ba-Cu-O system.
PhD thesis, Chemistry Department, Moscow State University, 2001.
Thesis in Russian.

S.A. Decterov, E.B. Rudnyi, G.F. Voronin.
Thermodynamic modeling of superconducting phases in the yttrium-barium-copper-oxygen system.
Physica C, v. 454, N 1/2, p. 70-76, 2007.
Full paper at ScienceDirect.


Miscellaneous Systems

E.B. Rudnyi, D.W. Bonnell, D.W. Hastie.
Vaporization thermodynamics of KCl. Combined processing of total vapor pressure and evaporation rates.
Vestn. Mosk. Univ., ser. Khimiya, 35, 291-308 (1994) (in Russian). Moscow Univ. Chem. Bul., 1994, N 2 (English transl).
or reprint in Russian, see also the next paper in English, data and code in kcl, also in varcomp.

E.B. Rudnyi, D.W. Bonnell, D.W. Hastie.
Vaporization thermodynamics of KCl. Combining vapor pressure and gravimetrics data.
Unpublished manuscript, 1998. This is an updated version of the previous paper, data and code in kcl, also in varcomp.

V. V. Kuzmenko, I. A. Uspenskaya, E. B. Rudnyi.
Simultaneous assessment of calcium aluminates.
Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. 1997, v. 106, N5, p. 235-243.
, data and code in varcomp.

M. V. Gorbacheva, A. F. Maiorova, S. N. Mudretsova, E. B. Rudnyi, A. D. Rusin.
The thermodynamic properties of mercury oxide.
Zh. Fiz. Khim. 1998, v. 72, N 3, p. 416-420 (in Russian). Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (English transl.), 1998, v. 72, N 3.
Preprint in Russian.

A. V. Antipov, E. B. Rudnyi, Zh. V. Dobrokhotova.
Thermodynamic evaluation of the Bi-Se system.
Inorganic Materials, 2001, v. 37, N 2, p. 126-132.
in Russian, final paper at Kluwer, Gibbs energy and software to compute phase diagram.

V. A. Alyoshin, D. A. Mikhailova, E. B. Rudnyi, E. V. Antipov.
Mercury nonstoichiometry of the Hg1-xBa2CuO4+dsuperconductor and the P(Hg)-P(O2)-T phase diagram of the Hg-Ba-Cu-O system.
Physica C, 2002, v. 383, N 1-2, p. 59-74.
Preprint, final paper at ScienceDirect.



Statistical Treatment of Experimental Results


Variance Component Analysis: Random Factors

E.B. Rudnyi, D.W. Bonnell, D.W. Hastie.
Vaporization thermodynamics of KCl. Combined processing of total vapor pressure and evaporation rates.
Vestn. Mosk. Univ., ser. Khimiya, 35, 291-308 (1994) (in Russian). Moscow Univ. Chem. Bul., 1994, N 2 (English transl).
or reprint in Russian, see also the next paper in English, data and code in kcl, also in varcomp.

E.B. Rudnyi, D.W. Bonnell, D.W. Hastie.
Vaporization thermodynamics of KCl. Combining vapor pressure and gravimetrics data.
Unpublished manuscript, 1998. This is an updated version of the previous paper, data and code in kcl, also in varcomp.

E.B. Rudnyi.
Statistical model of systematic errors: linear error model.
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 1996, V. 34, N 1, p. 41-54.
, final paper at ScienceDirect, data and code in in varcomp, also in tdlib.

E. B. Rudnyi.
Statistical model of systematic errors: An assessment of the Ba-Cu and Cu-Y phase diagram.
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 1997, v. 36, p. 213-227.
, final paper at ScienceDirect, data and code in varcomp, for Ba-Cu also in tdlib.

E. B. Rudnyi, V. V. Kuzmenko, G. V. Voronin.
Simultaneous assessment of the YBa2Cu3O6+z thermodynamics under the linear error model.
J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 1998, v. 27, N 5, p. 855-888.
, final paper at NIST, data and code in varcomp.

E. B. Rudnyi.
Experimental Datasets from Chemical Thermodynamics. 2005.


Multivariant Linear Regression

E. B. Rudnyi, L. N. Sidorov, O. M. Vovk, E. A. Kaibicheva.
Formation Enthalpies of Oxygen-Containing Anions of Group-VI Elements in the Gas-Phase and the Electron Affinities of CrO3, MoO3, and WO3.
J. Chem. Thermodynamics, 1989, v. 21, N 3, p. 247-258.
Paper at ScienceDirect.

E. B. Rudnyi.
Estimation of inaccuracy of equilibrium constants from reference data.
Zh. Fiz. Khim. 1992, v. 66, N 12 p. 3176-3183 (in Russian).
Preprint in Russian, Software.

E. B. Rudnyi, E. A. Kaibicheva, L. N. Sidorov.
Negative ions VO-2, VO-3, V2O-5, V3O-8, and V4O-10in the vapors of vanadium oxides. Determining enthalpies of formation from equilibrium constants.
J. Chem. Thermodynamics, 1993, v. 25, p. 929-947.
, final paper at ScienceDirect, data and the code.

E. B. Rudnyi, E. A. Kaibicheva, L. N. Sidorov.
Enthalpies of formation of the negative ions MnO-2, MnO-3and MnO-4as determined by the ion-molecule equilibria method.
Rapid Comm. Mass Spectr. 1993, v. 7, N 9, p. 800-804.
, final paper at Wiley, data and the code.



Oxygen-containing Negative Ions in High Temperature Vapors


General, Review

I.D. Sorokin, O. M. Vovk, E. B. Rudnyi, L. N. Sidorov.
Method to determine the partial oxygen pressure.
Sertificate of Invention, USSR, 1997, N 1387072 (in Russian).
Reprint in Russian.

E. B. Rudnyi, L. N. Sidorov, O. M. Vovk.
Structure of Alkali-Metals Sulfates in Gas and Condensed Phases.
Izv. Vys. Ucheb. Zaved., Khim. Khim. Tekh., 1989, v. 32, N 5, p. 3-12 (in Russian).
Reprint in Russian, See also related discussion.

E. B. Rudnyi, M. V. Korobov, O. M. Vovk, E. A. Kaibicheva, L. N. Sidorov.
Ion Equilibria - A New Technique for Measurement of Low O2and Alkali Partial Pressures.
High Temp. Sci. 1989, v. 26, p. 165-174.

E.A. Kaibicheva.
Ion-molecular equilibria in the 3d-oxide vapors.
PhD thesis, Moscow, 1990.
in Russian, figures are not available.

E. B. Rudnyi, L. N. Sidorov, O. M. Vovk, E. A. Kaibicheva.
Formation Enthalpies of Oxygen-Containing Anions of Group-VI Elements in the Gas-Phase and the Electron Affinities of CrO3, MoO3, and WO3.
J. Chem. Thermodynamics, 1989, v. 21, N 3, p. 247-258.
Paper at ScienceDirect.

E. B. Rudnyi, E. A. Kaibicheva, L. N. Sidorov.
Negative ions VO-2, VO-3, V2O-5, V3O-8, and V4O-10in the vapors of vanadium oxides. Determining enthalpies of formation from equilibrium constants.
J. Chem. Thermodynamics, 1993, v. 25, p. 929-947.
Preprint, final paper at ScienceDirect, data and the code.


Negative Ions in Vapors of Alkali Salts

L. N. Sidorov, E. B. Rudnyi, M. I. Nikitin, I. D. Sorokin.
Gas phase reactions of anion exchange and determining enthalpies of formation of PO-3, BO-2, ReO-4.
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1983, v. 272, N 5, p. 1172-1175 (in Russian).
Reprint in Russian.

E. B. Rudny, L. N. Sidorov, L. A. Kuligina, G. A. Semenov.
Heterolytic dissociation of potassium chromate in the gas phase and the electron affinity of chromium oxides.
Int. J. Mass Spectr. Ion Phys. 1985, v. 64, p. 95-113.
Paper at ScienceDirect.

E. B. Rudnyi, L. N. Sidorov, O. M. Vovk.
Heterolytic dissociation of potassium sulfate in the gaseous phase and enthalpy of formation of SO-3, SO-4, and KSO-4.
Tepl. Vys. Temp. 1985, v. 23, N 2, p. 291-299 (in Russian). High Temp. USSR (English transl.), 1985, v. 23, N 2, p. 238-246.
Reprint in Russian.

E. B. Rudnyi, O. M. Vovk, L. N. Sidorov, I. D. Sorokin, A. S. Alikhanyan.
Enthalpy of formation of PO-2, PO-3, and NaPO2.
Tepl. Vys. Temp. 1986, v. 24, N 1, p. 62-69 (in Russian). High Temp. USSR (English transl.), 1986, v. 24, N 1, p. 56-63.
Reprint in Russian.

O. M. Vovk, E. B. Rudnyi, L. N. Sidorov.
Heterolytic dissociation of sodium chromate in the gas phase and enthalpy of the formation of NaCrO-4.
Vestnik Mosk. Univ. Ser. Khim. 1987, v. 28, N 3, p. 221-225 (in Russian). Moscow Univ. Chem. Bull. (English transl.), 1987, v. 42, N 3, p. 13-18.
Reprint in Russian.

V. I. Semenikhin, L. N. Sidorov, E. B. Rudnyi, M. I. Nikitin, I. I. Minaeva, I. D. Sorokin.
Mass-Spectrometric Determination of the Enthalpy of Formation and Electron-Affinity of BO2.
Tepl. Vys. Temp. 1987, v. 25, N 4, p. 666-670 (in Russian). High Temp. USSR (English transl.), 1987, v. 25, N 4, p. 497-501.

E. B. Rudnyi, O. V. Kuznetsova, E. A. Kaibicheva, L. N. Sidorov.
Determination of the electron affinity of PtO2 by the method of ionic-molecular equlibrium.
Tepl. Vys. Temp. 1990, v. 28, N 6, p. 1135-1141 (in Russian). High Temp. USSR (English transl.), 1990, v. 28, N 6, p. 864-870.
Reprint in Russian.


Negative Ions in Vapors of Oxides

E. A. Kaibicheva, E. B. Rudnyi, L. N. Sidorov, I. D. Sorokin.
Determination of the enthalpy of formation of the ions CoO-2and NiO-2by the method of ion-molecule equilibria.
Zh. Fiz. Khim. 1991, v. 65, N 4, p. 919-927 (in Russian). Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (English transl.), 1991, v. 65, N 4, p. 484-488.
Preprint or Reprint in Russian.

E. A. Kaibicheva, E. B. Rudnyi, L. N. Sidorov.
Determination of the Electron Affinity of FeO2 by the Method of Ion-Molecule Equilibria.
Zh. Fiz. Khim. 1992, v. 66, N 12, p. 3153-3159 (in Russian).
Reprint in Russian.

O. V. Kuznetsova, V. I. Semenikhin, E. B. Rudnyi, L. N. Sidorov.
Determination of the Enthalpy of Formation of BiO-and BiO-2by the Method of Ion-Molecule Equilibria.
Zh. Fiz. Khim. 1992, v. 66, N 12, p. 3160-3165 (in Russian).
Preprint in Russian.

E. B. Rudnyi, E. A. Kaibicheva, L. N. Sidorov.
The Electron Affinity of UO3.
Rapid Com. Mass Spect. 1992, v. 6, N 5, p. 356-360.
Preprint, final paper at Wiley.

E. B. Rudnyi, E. A. Kaibicheva, L. N. Sidorov.
Enthalpies of formation of the negative ions MnO-2, MnO-3and MnO-4as determined by the ion-molecule equilibria method.
Rapid Comm. Mass Spectr. 1993, v. 7, N 9, p. 800-804.
Preprint, final paper at Wiley, data and the code.


Oxygen Pressure and Oxide Activites

E. B. Rudnyi, O. M. Vovk, E. L. R. Kappe, E. A. Kaibicheva, L. N. Sidorov.
Determination of Equilibrium Oxygen Pressures in Vapors of High-Temperature Systems Using the Ion-Molecule Equilibrium Method.
Izv. AN SSSR, Metally, 1989, N 4, p. 55-60 (in Russian). Russ. Metall. (English transl.), 1989, N 4, p. 50-56.
Reprint in Russian.

E. B. Rudnyi, O. M. Vovk, L. N. Sidorov, V. L. Stolyarova, B. A. Shakhmakin, V. I. Rakhinov.
Use of the ion-molecule equilibria method for determining the activity of alkali oxide in sodium silicate melts.
Fiz. Khim. Stekla, 1988, v. 14, N 2, p. 218-225 (in Russian). Sov. J. Glass Phys. Chem. (English transl.), 1988, v. 14, N 2, p. 119-125.

E. A. Kaibicheva, E. B. Rudnyi, L. N. Sidorov, V. L. Stolyarova.
Determination of the activity of alkali metal oxides in melts of the Na2O-K2O-SiO2system using an ion-molecular equilibrium method.
Fiz. Khim. Stekla, 1990, v. 16, N 3, p. 431-438 (in Russian). Sov. J. Glass Phys. Chem. (English transl.), 1990, v. 16, N 3 p. 245-252.
Reprint in Russian.

E. B. Rudnyi, E. A. Kaibicheva, L. N. Sidorov, M. T. Varshavskii, A. N. Men.
(Ion - Molecule) Equilibrium Technique Applied to the Determination of the Activities of Cr2O3and NiO - Standard Molar Gibbs Energy of Formation of NiCr2O4.
J. Chem. Thermodynamics, 1990, v. 22, N 7, p. 623-632.
, final paper at ScienceDirect.


Fluorine-containing Negative Ions

L. N. Sidorov, A. Ya. Borshchevskii, E. B. Rudny, V. D. Butskii.
Electron affinities of higher molybdenum flourides as determined by the effusion technique.
Chem. Phys. 1982, v. 71, p. 145-156.
Paper at ScienceDirect.

A. Y. Borshchevskii, E. B. Rudnyi, K. Y. Evdokimov, L. N. Sidorov.
Negative ions in the saturated vapors of some oxyfluorides.
Khim. Fizika, 1984, v. 3, N 12 p. 1679-1684 (in Russian).
Reprint in Russian.



Influence of Negative Ions on Electron Concentration in Air Plasma

N. N. Pilyugin, E. B. Rudnyi.
Calculation of the equilibrium composition of air plasma with product of ablation of aluminum for conditions of ballistic experiments.
Tepl. Vys. Temp., 1994, v. 32, N 4, p. 511-517 (in Russian). High Temp. Russia, 1994, v. 32, N 4, p. 476-482 (English transl.).
Preprint or reprint in Russian, My code and the Gibbes energies.

N. N. Pilyugin, E. B. Rudnyi.
Calculation of the equilibrium composition of air plasma with admixture of C2F4 for conditions of ballistic experiments.
Tepl. Vys. Temp., 1995, v. 33, N 4, p. 532-538 (in Russian). High Temp. Russia, 1995, v. 33, N 4 (English transl.).
Preprint in Russian, My code and the Gibbes energies.

N. N. Pilyugin, E. B. Rudnyi.
Influence of ablation on the electron concentration in air plasma.
Tepl. Vys. Temp., 1996, V. 34, N 3, p. 355-364 (in Russian). High Temp. Russia, 1996, v. 34, N 3 (English transl.).
Reprint in Russian.

N. N. Pilyugin, V. V. Kuz'menko, E. B. Rudnyi.
Combined Effect of Impurities of Water Vapors, Potassium and Flourine on the Electron Number Density of Air Plasma.
Tepl. Vys. Temp., 1998, v. 36, N 2, p. 201-205 (in Russian). High Temp., v. 36, N 2, p. 183-188 (English transl.).
in Russian, My code and the Gibbes energies.

A. V. Antipov, N. N. Pilyugin, E. B. Rudnyi.
The effect of injection of perfluoroethylene on the composition of plasma in the vicinity of a body during its motion in atmosphere.
Tepl. Vys. Temp., 1999, v. 37, N 1, p. 37-43 (in Russian). High Temp., v. 37, N 1, p. 33-39 (English transl.).
My code and the Gibbes energies.

A. S. Borisov, E. B. Rudnyi.
Computer code for estimating the stationary multicomponent one-dimensional gas flow by the hypothesis of the local thermodynamic equilibrium in chemical processes.
Internal Report, 1995.


Security of Windows NT Networks

V. S. Lyutsarev, K. V. Ermakov, E. B. Rudnyi, I. V. Ermakov.
Security of Windows NT Networks.
Book in Russian, Russkaya Redaktsiya, 280 p, 1998.
Content in Russian, Content in English.

E. B. Rudnyi.
Digest on Windows NT Security,October 1998 - March 2000.
In Russian, Mailbox in KOI-8.

E. B. Rudnyi.
Name of Built-in Administrator.
Message to NTBugtraq, 1998.
